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Solar Invest

Solar Invest

Coming up against a brick wall - the Hungarian solar energy industry may reach a dead end

Following in the wake of the extremely low bids for the METÁR tender

2020. november 16. - ASTRASUN

As it is known, in the autumn of 2020 there was a five-time overapplication for the so-called METÁR tender issued by the Hungarian Energy and Utilities Regulatory Authority (MEKH) for subsidized electricity production from renewable energy sources. About 270 applications were submitted for the…


The goose with the golden eggs may die of hunger

The key sector of renewable energy market in Hungary must hold on besides changing legal environment and growing costs / Press release in English

ASTRASUN Group regards the recent news concerning the success of METÁR (Renewable Subsidy System) tender and the project-based financing attracting foreigners misleading both from professional and investor’s points of view. ASTRASUN expressively draws attraction to the fact that – although solar…

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